There are a few occasions when you will understand that love stinks & Love Sucks. This Article is all about Love Quotes Quotes; it simply hurts too much and demands too much of you, and you will be at a loss for what to do next.
Continue to convince yourself that everything will be fine even when things aren’t going your way.
Right now, love is a drag, but it will return to normal someday; you will feel good about yourself for feeling it again one day.
When love isn’t working out for you, here are some quotes that you can try to relate to in order to feel better about yourself.
The truth is that, at some point in your life, you will come to the conclusion that love is a waste of time and quit trying.
You will not always receive the response you desire, but this does not imply that you should despise it right away.
Love Sucks Quotes

- One day, you will meet the right person for you, and you will recognize that such a person even exists.
- The only way to experience it is to try it out, to take a chance, and to be in an unknown environment.
- Stop suppressing your feelings of love since you will never be able to obtain them; you will finally give up on them.
- I was constantly giving something and receiving nothing in return, and I was becoming increasingly irritated with love.
- Trying makes you feel like you’re doing everything right but yet failing, which is a bad feeling in life.
- When you reach a point where you are unsure of how to feel, realize that I am still here to help you.
- I assure you that I will be there for you at all times, especially during those critical moments when you require my assistance the most.
- Please quit acting like a victim when it is abundantly evident that you have the ability to save yourself from this situation.
- I understand that love can be a drag at times, but let me assure you that it does not always have to be that way.
- It is just you and the universe, and this is the perfect opportunity to converse about life in general.
- Your current situation may be difficult, but things will improve and one day you will discover it for yourself.
- One day, someone will come along and completely alter your perception of what it is like to be in love.
- I feel like I’m giving everything I have to you, and yet I have to prepare myself for the worst possible conclusion.
- When you love someone, there is so much pain that it hurts a lot and makes you want to throw up.
- When you’ve had enough of attempting to fall for people who aren’t worth your time, you’ll realize your own value.
- You should recognize that there is much more to being in love than this, and I hope the day comes when you realize it yourself.
- When love sucks, it may seem as if there is nothing you can do about it, but I assure you that you can and should.
- There are several things you may do to stop feeling that love is a waste of time, such as finding a new person or making a new acquaintance.
- It’s important to remember that I’ll be there for you when you’re feeling down about love; I’ll listen to your rants.
- When you tell me that l’ve is a pain, I will tell you that it is not the sensation that is the problem, but the people who are the problem.
- You are lovely, and you deserve to know what it’s like to be in love with someone who loves you back in return.
- I will continuously telling you that everything is OK and will continue to be fine no matter how you are feeling right now.
- There is a rainbow after all of the tears you have shed since loving has caused you a great deal of pain.
- Certainly, the agony will leave scars, but it will serve as a reminder that there is something worth fighting for.
- When something is worth fighting for, you have to put forth more effort than you have ever put forth before.
- I want to be known as the one that goes above and beyond to obtain what they desire; that is what I desire.
- I understand that I will never be able to be everything I wished to be, but I want to be able to claim that I tried my hardest.
- I gave it everything I had, and it still wasn’t enough, so I’m going to declare that loving truly stinks right now.
- Occasionally, you may find yourself hesitating, unsure of what the day ahead may hold for you.
- Love is not always lovely; it can have thorns, just as even the most beautiful flower might contain thorns.
- And, knowing how badly love sucks & Stinks, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to even think of falling in love.
- There will be times when you believe that love is a drag, but I hope you come to learn that that is not the case.
- It is not always filled with euphoric feelings, but that is just the way life works.
- You may experience sadness and guilt, and you will begin to feel unworthy; this is all a normal part of the healing process.
- Every moment of happiness in your life is followed by a moment of sorrow; the one arrives first and the other follows later.
- So let yourself to be absorbed by that sensation, and then, when the intensity fades away, forget about it altogether.
- The quantity of love you receive will be proportional to how much you value yourself, girl.
- Forget about them all; you will be totally alright, if not today, then at the very least very soon.
- In the event that things fade away and you are no longer in the mood to love, I advise you to keep continuing.
- There is so much more out there just waiting to be discovered, so be daring and push yourself to your limits even farther.
- You will need to be as strong as you possibly can right now, more than any other time in your life.
- Girl, you have the ability to achieve this; you have the potential to be something more than this.
- Love stinks, especially when you don’t feel the same passion being returned to you as you give to someone else.
- Somehow it is humbling to be aware that love stinks but not to be experiencing it that way yourself.
- In general, love is a drag until you discover the person you want to spend the rest of your life with and wake up next to every morning.
- It is always a risk, and that is exactly how love feels, but believe me when I say that it will be well worth it.
- The things that you will be disappointed with are the ones that you did not even attempt.
- What’s the big deal about being harmed when you can gain a lot of knowledge from the discomfort you’re experiencing?
- Yes, you will bleed to the point where you believe you will die, but you will survive, I am confident.
- At some point, I want you to realize that there is so much more to this than merely experimenting with different things.
- Struggle for what you believe in, and struggle for your emotions, and you will be OK.
- You may not feel better right now, but you will forget about being injured one day if you continue to love him.
- Sincerity be told, the scars will serve as a reminder of what shaped you into the person you are now.
- And it will be worthwhile to see that the years you have invested in improving yourself have been fruitful.
- It will all be fine; one day, you will meet someone who will not be concerned about your previous relationships.
- It is critical to understand that there is someone out there who is simply waiting for you to meet him.
- You will find that individual, and once you do, you will have to work more harder than you have in the past.
- The worst thing you can think of is that love stinks even when it is extraordinary. But that is exactly what happens.
- As a result, you will continue to try until you are successful in accomplishing something you did not expect.
- Because that is the only thing you can do at this point, you must put your faith in yourself.
- Even while the situation appears to be hopeless, the truth is that there are numerous reasons to be optimistic.
- I hope that when the tides try to sway your emotions, you will be able to stand firm and not let them win.
- You must learn to alter your sails and keep pushing forward in the face of a heavy wind.
- Life will not always be as simple as it appears, but you will eventually acquire that sense of accomplishment.
- There is something quite comforting about the prospect of finding someone who will exclusively love you.
- And when I discover the guy who loves me without condition, I pledge that I will never, ever let him go again.
- I intend to cling on to her till the day I die because that is what love means to me at this point in my life.
- As much as I am able, I will make every effort to accept nothing less than the best that I am capable of doing in the face of the reality.
- Allow me to assure you that it will hurt tremendously the first time, but that you will endure that suffering as well.
- Stop portraying love as a negative experience because the truth is that it is a breathtakingly beautiful experience.
- Be the person you would like to fall in love with, the one who is loving and kind, and you will attract the right type of attention.
- Make an effort to be the person you are and allow others to see both your positive and negative attributes.
- Believe in the beauty that being in love with someone may bring into your life; you will be OK, I am confident in saying.
- Simply assure me that everything will be well, and I will assure you that you will locate him.
- Perhaps he is only waiting around the corner for you to come out of your house, at which point you will notice him.
- This is your opportunity to be the best person you can be, so take use of it; I have faith in you, sweetie.
- A particular aspect of loving someone irritates you; it is the way you feel pain when you are in a relationship with them.
- It will suck you into a spiral and lock you there without letting you out, and you are well aware that love is a sucking machine.
- Love stinks, especially for the person who has absolutely no control over the situation; this is the reality of the situation.
- When you are completely lost, you will believe that love is a waste of time because you are attempting to find it.
- When you put up your best effort and still believe that love is a waste of time, it will destroy your heart.
- I’ve been there when love has been a disappointment for me, but I’ve gotten over it and am now fine.
- After years of giving and receiving little in return, I’ve become tired of being loved by others.
- Even when you’re attempting to do things right, the fact that you’re continually striving is what makes life so frustrating.
- Please keep in mind that I am still available if you find yourself in a scenario where you are unsure what to do.
- You may count on my support at any time, but especially when you need it the most, I guarantee.
- It’s time to stop appearing to be a victim when it’s clear that you are in fact the one who has the power to save yourself.
- Although it appears like love stinks, it does not have to be that way all of the time, please understand this.
- If you find yourself alone at the end of the day, this is the perfect opportunity to talk about life in general.
- Although you may be in a poor mood right now, things will improve, and you will sense it in general as the days progress.
- It’s possible that one day someone will come along and completely alter your perception of what it’s like to experience love.
- Loving you seems like I’m giving everything I have, but I have to be prepared for the worst case scenario.
- If you love someone, there is simply too much pain to bear, and it is painful and unpleasant.
- When it comes to love, it is not always beautiful; even the most gorgeous flower might have thorns.
- As a matter of fact, knowing how much love can hurt, I’m sure you’d prefer not to fall in love in the first place.
- There will be times when you believe that love stinks, but I hope you realize that this is not the case.
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